
User Guide


  1. List
  2. Todo
  3. Event
  4. Deadline
  5. Do
  6. Delete
  7. Find
  8. View Schedules
  9. Bye

Feature 1: List

list : List all tasks recorded

Format: list

Example of usage: list

Expected Outcome:


Here are the tasks in your list:
1.[T][] CS2103 iP
2.[D][] CS2103 (by: 1-Mar-2020)
3.[E][] celebrate completion of iP (at: 2-Mar-2020)

Feature 2: Adding a Todo task

Todo: Creates a Todo task

Format: todo [description]


Example of usage: todo Complete CS2103 iP

Expected Outcome:


Got it. I've added this task:
  [T][✘] Complete CS2103 iP
Now you have 1 task in the list.

Feature 3: Adding a Deadline task

Deadline: Creates a Deadline task

Format: deadline [description] /by YYYY-MM-DD


Example of usage: deadline Complete CS2103 iP /by 2020-03-01

Expected Outcome:

Expected outcome:

Got it. I've added this task:
  [D][✘] Complete CS2103 iP (by: 1-Mar-2020)
Now you have 1 task in the list.

Feature 4: Adding an Event task

Deadline: Creates a Event task

Format: event [description] /at YYYY-MM-DD


Example of usage: event Celebrate completion of CS2103 iP /at 2020-03-02

Expected Outcome:

Expected outcome:

Got it. I've added this task:
  [E][✘] Celebrate completion of CS2103 iP (at: 2-Mar-2020)
Now you have 1 task in the list.

Feature 5: Doing a task

Done: Marks a task as complete

Format: do [index]


Example of usage: done 1

Expected Outcome:

Expected outcome:

Nice! I've marked this task as done:
  [✓] Complete iP

Feature 6: Deleting a task

Delete: Deletes a task

Format: delete [index]


Example of usage: delete 1

Expected Outcome:

Expected outcome:

Noted. I've removed this task:
  [✓] Complete iP
Now you have 1 task in the list.

Feature 7: Finding a task

Find: Finds any task that matches or has a partial match to the input

Format: find [description]


Example of usage: find book

Expected Outcome:

Expected outcome:

1.[T][✘] find a book
2.[D][✘] delete the e-book (by: 25-Dec-2020)
4.[E][✘] install e-bookreader app (at: 24-Dec-2020) 

Feature 8: Viewing Schedules

View Schedules: Displays tasks occurring on input date

Format: view [date]


Example of usage: view 2020-12-25

Expected Outcome:

Expected outcome:

2.[D][✘] delete the e-book (by: 25-Dec-2020)
3.[E][✘] Christmas partay (at: 25-Dec-2020)

Feature 9: Bye

Bye: Exits Duke

Format: bye

Example of usage: bye

Expected Outcome:

Expected outcome:

Bye. Hope to see you again soon!